Wolfean Recipes

The Spiral Staircase: The Best Corn on the Cob Ever (a la Nero Wolfe)

Put the ears on a baking sheet in a 475-500 degree oven for 40 minutes, and then present on a platter at the table with butter and salt on the side. Have your guests shuck at the table. It tastes like cake.

You’ll be tempted to cook this at a lower heat or for less long, but I’ve tried it at all heats from 400 to 500 and from 20 minutes to 40 minutes. Forty minutes at 500 degrees is the best. It doesn’t dry out. It’s sweet and perfect. Don’t worry about the cornsilk; it comes easily off the ear after roasting.

via The Spiral Staircase: The Best Corn on the Cob Ever (a la Nero Wolfe).

Been meaning to try this but haven’t gotten there yet. Tis that time of year so must get some and do so.

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